June 11, 2010

Why Companies Need to Fail. A Letter to the "President."

Dear Mr. President,

Please stop bailing out companies with my money.  You see, I believe it is necessary for companies to go out of business.  It's like survival of the fittest in the business world.  It's nature's way of clearing out the unproductive, and rewarding the good.

For instance, while I was sad to see Circuit City go, I have no doubt that it's competitors such as BestBuy saw an increase in their revenue.  So while Circuit City employees may have lost their job, I'm betting that Best Buy needed to hire a few to handle the additional customers.  <~~~~  Just click here if you don't believe me.

Another example is Bed Bath and Beyond.  While I loved to stroll through their aisles, they were extremely overpriced, and people knew it.  So now they are gone too.

Again, more people get their news from the internet than from print.  That doesn't mean you get to use my money to save newspapers.  Those companies will either need to adapt or move out of the way.

You see, you can't keep every company open.  It doesn't, and shouldn't work like that.  In essence, you are ruining competition among businesses.  Competition is what keeps prices down, customer service good and the consumer happy.  If you keep giving unproductive companies who mismanage their money bailouts, you are essentially making us pay twice for the same product.  First to purchase the product at an inflated price and then second when you give them our tax money as a bailout.



June 10, 2010

Talk About an AnnieTude!

Little Annie still isn't 100% pottie trained, so this morning when she woke up I noticed her pull-up was dry!  I asked her, "Annie, do you need to use the pottie?"  She simply said No.  So then I said, "Your pull-up seems dry, though.  Are you sure you don't need to use the pottie?"

This time, she looked at me like I hadn't been paying attention, leaned in towards my face, and with an inflection in her voice, says


I looked at my husband and said, "That's her AnnieTude!"