July 25, 2012

The Part of Police Work You Don't See

As many of you know, my husband is a police officer. Today while I was at the grocery store buying food for the 6 of us, he called to ask me our account balance.

He was on an accident call where a mom who was dropping her son off at soccer practice and had another little child in the car, accidentally hit  a pole. Now, I'm not one to judge someone about running into stuff so we'll just leave it at that. Apparently she busted her radiator. She called her husband but he didn't get off work until midnight and couldn't leave his job.

She was stranded. Her car wouldn't start and she had 2 kids to take care of.

Out of his own pocket, my husband paid to have her car towed for her, with no expectation of being repaid.

I wish more people could see this side of Police Work.