August 27, 2010

Junior high

So tonight was the first night Kids Night Out came back for the school year. Nicholas and Colby were excited, but Colby hasn't been feeling well so only Nicholas went. I was scheduled to pick him up at 10:15 pm.

I unexpectedly get a call at 9:40! He is ready to come home. I wonder if he is beginning to feel Ill like the rest of us, although he says he's ok.

I pick him up, and he informs me that he and his friends have decided that they are now too old to go there, being in junior high and all! He also informed me that he'll probably still attend other weekends just so he can hang out with his friends though!

He's been in junior high for 2 weeks and so far he's begun wearing cologne and is too old for kids night out!

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August 7, 2010

Back to School Shopping

It's that time of year again.  I've got the school supply lists ready and need to buy back to school clothes.  My plan is to do it this weekend, over two days.  Supplies on Saturday, clothes Sunday.  But, it's already noon on Saturday and I REFUSE to take all the kids.  They are acting like complete monsters today!  It's been everything I can do to not completely freak the heck out!

I received a call from an old high school friend today who I haven't spoken with in probably 15 years.  We were on the phone for 35 minutes.  Do you think my kids showed me enough respect to give me 35 lousy minutes?  Nope.  They didn't even give me 5 minutes.  I was constantly having to correct them or referee.  I finally went in the back yard, but they followed me there, too.

Why do they do that?  The lack of respect is so disappointing, sometimes.  And now, after they have shown me no respect, I'm going to go buy hundreds of dollars worth of school supplies.

What's wrong with this picture!

July 4, 2010

Went to church today. First time in a decade

And I took my kids. Frankly I was surprised we weren't struck by lightening at the entrance! Although at one point Colby did look like he was in excruciating pain, and I could swear I saw his eyes roll back in his head.

They were pretty mad at me for making them go so I figured that means I did something right. I think I'll make them go again next week, too.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

July 1, 2010

My children had never seen Michael Jackson's Thriller (videos included in post)

So we were flipping through the channels tonight and Michael Jackson's "This is It" was on.  None of us had ever seen it before, so we started watching.  What an amazing talent.  I don't know what happened in his private life, and I'm afraid he's taken much of that to the grave with him, but you just cannot discount the fact that he is one of the most remarkable entertainers of our lifetime.

While talking to my kids, as they had a lot of questions about Michael, I asked if they had ever seen the Thriller video, and I couldn't believe my ears when they said they hadn't.  Well, we had to fix that, and fast!  So up came youtube, speakers all the way up, everyone crowded around.  They were all enthralled, even Annie who can barely sit long enough to take a breath!

After the video, they had even more questions, now about the moonwalk, so back to youtube we went, and I found the first ever moon walk, which I believe he performed at Motown's 25th Anniversary.  I remember watching that one live on TV with all of my family around.

More questions, more videos, and it was really an amazing experience to share with my children something and someone from my generation who's music made an impact on the world.

And I thoroughly enjoyed it all over again.  It brought me back 27 years, to a much different time; a fun, carefree time, and I was able to enjoy it with my children.  What an amazing night.

I have embedded the videos for you, because you know you want to watch them too, now!

ENJOY!  We did!

June 27, 2010

Moving my iTunes library is taking forever!

Still loving my new purple puter, and setting just about everything up has gone quite smoothly.  iTunes, though, has proven a bit daunting!

First, hubby needed the charger to the old laptop and took it to work, which was fine, but I had forgotten and then tried to start transferring the library.  The old laptop died about a quarter of the way through the transfer.  None of it stuck.  Not a big problem, just figured I'd work on it in the morning.

So this morning I was able to plug in the old laptop with the charger and started transferring the music.  it took a while, but it all transferred.  Wait, where are all the apps?  How in the world do I transfer all the apps?  After about 30 minutes of researching, I found out that if you right click on the iphone icon in itunes while it's plugged it, it gives you the option to transfer all purchases.  Well I wish I had known that last night!

Anyhoo, all the apps downloaded, but of course none of them are organized at all in my neat little folders I made.  So after lots of dragging and dropping and reorganizing, I finally got it all organized again.

I must say, I was a little apprehensive to sync again, but this time everything went well!

Total time to switch everything over?  5.5 hours

June 11, 2010

Why Companies Need to Fail. A Letter to the "President."

Dear Mr. President,

Please stop bailing out companies with my money.  You see, I believe it is necessary for companies to go out of business.  It's like survival of the fittest in the business world.  It's nature's way of clearing out the unproductive, and rewarding the good.

For instance, while I was sad to see Circuit City go, I have no doubt that it's competitors such as BestBuy saw an increase in their revenue.  So while Circuit City employees may have lost their job, I'm betting that Best Buy needed to hire a few to handle the additional customers.  <~~~~  Just click here if you don't believe me.

Another example is Bed Bath and Beyond.  While I loved to stroll through their aisles, they were extremely overpriced, and people knew it.  So now they are gone too.

Again, more people get their news from the internet than from print.  That doesn't mean you get to use my money to save newspapers.  Those companies will either need to adapt or move out of the way.

You see, you can't keep every company open.  It doesn't, and shouldn't work like that.  In essence, you are ruining competition among businesses.  Competition is what keeps prices down, customer service good and the consumer happy.  If you keep giving unproductive companies who mismanage their money bailouts, you are essentially making us pay twice for the same product.  First to purchase the product at an inflated price and then second when you give them our tax money as a bailout.



June 10, 2010

Talk About an AnnieTude!

Little Annie still isn't 100% pottie trained, so this morning when she woke up I noticed her pull-up was dry!  I asked her, "Annie, do you need to use the pottie?"  She simply said No.  So then I said, "Your pull-up seems dry, though.  Are you sure you don't need to use the pottie?"

This time, she looked at me like I hadn't been paying attention, leaned in towards my face, and with an inflection in her voice, says


I looked at my husband and said, "That's her AnnieTude!"

June 2, 2010

A case of the pre-teen stupids

So my eleven year old has a serious case of the "pre-teen stupids." Big Nick says to Nicholas "please go to the garage and get me two things. A bottle of water and my tackle box". So Nicholas goes down the stairs. I then say to Nick, I'd like a bottle of water too, so when Nicholas only comes up with one of your items, because we know he will forget one, and he has to go back To the garage, have him get me a water too. And sure enough, the stupids won and I got my water!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

May 24, 2010

This is How I Think We Can Save America #tosaveamerica

I actually have been considering this for a long time, so here are my thoughts...

  • We must teach our children responsibility and accountability.
    • To blame other people is to make an excuse for our own bad behavior.  It is a justification to continue laziness and an excuse not to work on problems.  
  • We must know and understand our history and WHY our founding fathers founded America.
    • We must know why government, when given too much power, will kill the spirit of it's people.  Government must be reigned in and controlled with a heavy hand so that people can remain free.  
  • We must band together so our voices can be heard.
    • Read, tweet, blog, meet.  Don't leave it up to others, we must all work together to turn this around. We can't think that someone else will stand up and say something.  We must all do it so that we are heard.
  • We must look past headlines of ALL news organizations, do research and find the truth.
    • We can no longer take news for face value.  We are no longer in the times of Woodward and Bernstein.  Today's reporters are just that... reporters.  They mind-numbingly regurgitate whatever they are told to.  They are afraid to find and report the truth.  I don't know why, but they are.  They are doing a disservice to themselves, to us, and to America.  They should be ashamed.

May 22, 2010

Colby invited his friends for a sleepover

Which normally wouldn't be a big deal except that I had told him no three times before... Oh and I had to work the next morning... Oh and I wasn't home when the boys and their mom showed up at my door!

WTHeck Colby! I was on my way home from the gym and i had company waiting for me to get home. So not cool. Fortunately the other mom was very understanding when i said i couldnt do a sleepover on a Thursday!

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May 3, 2010

Coffee. An Haiku

Oh friend, my coffee
I am lost without you near
But you make me pee

April 24, 2010

Going to run outside #c25k

Alright. I've been putting off running outside. So far it's just been on the treadmill. I think I'm going to try outside as soon as my phone charges a little more. Hope I make it back!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

April 22, 2010

Worst Mother of The Year

Overwhelmed. Sometimes I get overwhelmed, and then I just shut down. I'm sorry, but I cannot work full time and then do everything around the house. I have tried to get my children to help, but I haven't tried hard enough.  I get so tired of the back talk and arguing. Then, if (I mean when), the kids don't do what I ask and I keep on them, then I'm nagging.

So my options are:
1. stop nagging and do it myself
2. stop nagging and don't do it myself

Those seem like pretty bad options, to me.

I think if I actually ever saw a benefit from what I do around the house, it might be different. But when I finish one room and move to the next, the kids have destroyed the first room before I even finish cleaning the second room!

It's just so disheartening.  I may not be able to force the boys to have respect for their home, but I guess it's time I force them to participate in the upkeep of their home.  No yelling, no nagging.  Pick up, or there will be consequences.  Simple as that.

Time to get my dobber out of the dirt and just do it!

April 19, 2010

April 17, 2010

I Found My First 5k to Run

I found my first 5k to run. It's the Boulder Sunrise. It's on June 5th, & I'm in week 4 of c25k, so I really have to stay on schedule! I can choose the non-profit I want to run for and 50% of my fees and any donations I collect go to that organization. My dad was recently diagnosed with Alzheimer's, so I'm really excited to be able to run my first race for him! Wish me luck! I'm going to need it!

April 16, 2010

Bad Karma

so I just got one of the sales guys at work in trouble. but it turns out it wasn't his fault. i figured it out half way through his berating from the owner. but i don't really like him so i didn't say anything. That's some bad karma right there, and yet funny at the same time!

April 13, 2010

I'm Going to Redo W3D3 of #C25K

I did complete it, but I don't think I'm ready to jump from 3 minute runs to 5 minute runs yet.  I can do the first 2 minutes ok, but that last minute I feel like I'm dying.  My breathing is out of control.  Instead of killing myself to stay week for week on this plan, it might be good for me to week 3 over.

March 23, 2010

I'm Still Running, and So Proud of Myself

I really can't remember the last time I was really proud of myself for something.  But last night I was.  I couldn't stop smiling.  I must have looked like a goof ball!  Last night was W2D1 of C25K, and that means an increase in run time.  Not a huge increase, but big enough that I was worried.  I wasn't sure if I could do it.

I knew that when the first of the series of runs started, the last thing I wanted to do was stare at the countdown clock, so I flipped my phone over so I couldn't see the counter.  First run done, and hey, that wasn't too bad.  Then the second run, and third, hey, I'm actually going to finish this!  Only 2 more runs to go!

Fourth run, thought I was going to die.  Stupid skinny bitch to the left of me was WALKING at my run pace!  Okay, there's some motivation!  I CAN DO THIS!!!  Fourth run down, fifth run, here I come!

I DID IT!!!!

March 20, 2010

You're Beautiful!

Or so I thought she said.  My Annie, in her almost 3 year old drawl, actually said "You're Puter fell."  And there was my laptop,  On the ground.

I'ma Runnin!

Thanks to C25K, the Couch to 5k program, I'm finally running!  I've been needing to do this for a long time, and I'm finally making the time for me.  For me to do it!  And I'm actually enjoying it!  Not only am I doing something healthy for me, I'm getting oh so important quiet time, and time with hubsy, too.

And not only that, but it's giving my children a break from me as well!

I noticed immediately after my first workout that I was in a better mood and had more patience, and that continued after each workout.  I was able to make it to the gym 4 times this week.  I think I'm going to take it easy tomorrow, and then on to W2D1 on Monday!

Oh, and I'm down 4.5 pounds!

March 18, 2010

The United States is a Republic, Not a Democracy

I'm sure this video over-simplifies a bit, but it I still think it's important to understand!

March 12, 2010

Change in Day Care was Good, I Think

After pulling my children out of daycare, I was in a mad dash to find new arrangements for Annie; I was lucky that I could bring her to work with me Thursday and Friday since the boss was out of town.  I can't do it this week!

Not only did I find a place, but they are actually open 30 minutes later than the former daycare.  Yes, 30 whole minutes.  But that 30 minutes will make all the difference in the world for me.  I will now have Mommy Time!  I will have a whole 60 minutes after work before I need to pick her up (the other 30 is drive time).  And what is right next door to her new daycare?  That's right, a Snap Fitness gym.

I've been wanting to try this C25K program for a long time.  Couch to 5K.  It's to help people who have never run, begin a running regimen.  But I seriously could not find any consistent time to do it.  Because of hubsy's schedule, if I'm not at work, I'm with the kids.  No girl time, no alone time, no nothing.

But now I get an entire hour!  On days I don't go to the gym, I can actually get a manicure!  I am so excited I can't contain myself!

Just Bought Hubsy a Little Something

Ok, very little, but he'd mentioned it a couple of times, I just finally remembered.  We watch Bill O'Reilly before he goes to work at night, and he mentioned wanting to get a Bill O'Reilly membership.  It comes with a handy dandy Bill O'Reilly coffee mug.

Yearly PM Free Travel Mug

He was so excited when he got the confirmation email.  It was really cute!

March 11, 2010

I Don't Want 3-D TV

Here is why I do not want 3-D TV, in no particular order:

  Ugly Celebrities - Ugly Fugly  

plus Hostel directed by Eli Roth, and any movies from the Saw franchise.

Survival of the Fittest at Work

Snail Mucus?  Really?  And people went to the authorities?  I would have loved to hear how that conversation went!

"Hi, is this Miami Police Department?  Yes?  Well I would like to file a complaint.  This guy gave me some snail mucus to drink and it made me sick."

Sometimes I think we have too many safety nets so that survival of the fittest can't work properly.

Never Assume That Men Understand

Love love love this joke:

A woman was in a coma. She had been in it for months.

Nurses were in her room giving her a bed bath. One of them was washing her private area and noticed that there was a slightresponse on the monitor whenever she touched her there... They tried it again and sure enough, there was definite movement.

They went to her husband and explained what happened, telling him, 'As crazy as this sounds, maybe a little oral sexwill do the trick & bring her out of the coma.'

The husband was skeptical, but they assured him that they would close the curtains for privacy. The husband finallyagreed and went into his wife's room.

After a few minutes the woman's monitor flat lined, no pulse, no
heart rate. The nurses ran back into the room. 'Whathappened!?' they cried.

The husband said, 'I'm not sure; maybe she choked.'

Pulled my kids out of daycare last night

What a mess!  I get a call from the owner last night, and she proceeds to tell me that she had taken out a restraining order against one of the employee's boyfriends and he wasn't allowed to go near the daycare center.  WHAT??? 

Apparently this guy does drugs and beats his girlfriend, the employee.  She took out a restraining order against him but he showed up at her home anyway.  He was arrested, but his parents bailed him out.  So he went back over to her house, and he was arrested again.  His parents bailed him out again.  Then he started coming to the daycare to see her.  He was told not to go there, but he went anyway, so the owner took out a restraining order against him for the daycare center.  

Then he took a picture of himself with a shotgun in his mouth and texted it to his girlfriend!!

Yesterday, he showed up at daycare (while the owner was at the dentist, mind you) and his dumbass girlfriend LET HIM IN while my child was there!!!!

Now the owner proceeds to tell me that she fired the girl immediately because the safety of my children is most important.  WHAT???  

First, how could you NOT tell me that you had a restraining order against someone for coming near the daycare center where I trust you with my children.  Second, the first time this guy showed up the girl should have been fired.  

I explained to the owner, that this guy probably doesn't have a job.  He is able to buy his drugs because of his girlfriend's income.  Now he's really going to be pissed because she doesn't have a job either... and he has a shotgun.

I told her there was no way, as a good mother, I could bring my children back.  In today's world, crazy people get mad and then go shoot innocent people!  I just couldn't risk my childrens' lives.  

Sometimes I wish I could be a stay at home mom again.  

February 25, 2010

So you think you're going to use Please Rob Me on MY house?

I'm telling y'all now! I pray for the idiot(s) who use Please Rob Me Now to decide if they're going to rob MY house because I may be out shopping! I may not be home, but guess who is... My former Marine, 6'4" sharp shooter police officer husband who can teach the teachers how to handle a gun. That's who! 

Just don't leave your blood on my carpet, please.

February 21, 2010

A Guy's Logic

So my hubs has been eying the PS3 for quite some time now.  But frankly, we already have 2 xbox 360's and I just couldn't see getting a whole new gaming system.  Again.  It's not like the console and games are so cheap that you can pick a new one up every other month.  A new game, regardless of the brand, typically runs more than my phone bill!  It's just insane.

Well last week both xboxes got the dreaded red ring of death.  And this isn't the first time, either.  We've already had to send each one back for repair before.  This would be the 2nd time.  And frankly, being a mac person, I had warned hubs that since xbox was made by Microsoft, be prepared for many repairs anyway!  But I digress.

Now, here's where the Guy Logic comes in...  Hubs worked last night. His shift ended Sunday at 6:30am.  Typically he would come home, sleep during the day and then be awake at night, as he tries to stay on his sleep schedule as much as possible, and then go back to bed Monday morning.  But unfortunately he has court Monday morning.  So he knows he has to stay up as long as possible today, so that he can sleep tonight in order to wake up rested for court tomorrow.

He calls me this morning on his way home and actually says to me that he has to get a PS3 on the way home to help him stay up today!  See, there is no other way to stay up.  No matter that I was taking the kids to the Colorado Garden & Home Show today.  He couldn't come with us.  That wouldn't work, no way.  It must be the PS3.

So I chuckle to myself, and because I know that he has been waiting so patiently for this, I couldn't say no.

I did find it strange, though, that when I got home, he was in bed....   I guess it wasn't the magic pill.

On the plus side, though, now our DVD player that was downstairs is upstairs.  The kids will be happy that I can now watch all of my Harry Potter movies in my room!

February 17, 2010

Anyone heard from Andrew McCarthy lately? I'm just sayin!

  Andrew McCarthy                     Dr. Amy Bishop

First Grade Sucks

My poor little Ryan!  I just got a call from his teacher.  The dreaded first grade teacher.  He was written up today.  Apparently last night, between Annie being stuck at my hip, cooking dinner and helping Nicholas with his homework, I forgot to sign Ryan's homework.  When their homework isn't signed, they lose recess.

Well little Ryan didn't want to lose recess, especially since he had done his homework.  So apparently he tried to forge my signature!  I just about blew the coffee out of my nose.  Apparently she didn't find it too funny.  I, however, did!  Of course I will have that little talk with him and explain why what he did was wrong, but between you and me, I hope I get to see the signature!

February 4, 2010

If They Say it's Free and then Ask for Your Credit Card, What do You Expect is going to Happen Next?

Ok, first of all, I know I was reading the Huffington Post.  Don't give me any grief over it.  I consider myself to be on a reconnaissance mission.  But I digress.  So, Erica Possin, a college student, is smart enough to realize how important her credit score is, and wants to check it before she tries to purchase a car.  So far, seems pretty responsible.  But the brains stop there.  After clicking through page after page and entering personal information, including her credit card information, she says she was surprised to see charges from a program she didn't realize she enrolled in, and is now suing Experian.

And now it's a class action suit.

The dumbing down of America has got to stop.

ATTENTION PEOPLE:  If you are being asked for your credit card information, it isn't to send you a birthday card!  And frankly, if you think you should be receiving something for free, why would they need your credit card info in the first place!

Every week I deal with someone who didn't read their contract and then they are upset with me when they don't like the details.  And our contracts don't have fine print!  I'm talking one paragraph, regular font.  Slow down and read it.  Understand what you are signing.

Take responsibility for your actions.

Demon Sheep or Sleestak?

I finally watched the demon sheep video (below) about 10 minutes ago.  It was hilarious!  If you don't have 3 minutes to watch the video, then scroll to 2:20.

I think if I looked in a mirror, I would still have that same dumbfounded look on my face.  What the heck was that????  Who approved that ad?  Someone, somewhere, watched that video and thought it was a good idea!  Maybe even 2 people did!  I hope not 3.

And who is narrating that?  I thought Paul Frees from the Haunted Mansion had already died!  Did they bring him back?  And where did they get those red eyes?  If Carly Fiorina wanted an ad like this, should have raised a little more capital and put it towards the quality of the ad so it wouldn't look like a remake of the Sleestaks in Land of the Lost.

January 31, 2010

Oh Sweet Victory! It's the little things in life...

This is for anyone who's ever been stuck behind a parked train!  Hopefully it helps a little bit...

Last night my hubby gave a ticket to a Conductor! Oh sweet victory. It's kind of like the people who drive 10+ miles BELOW the speed limit. Drives me nuts. He gives them tickets, too, for impeding traffic.

January 21, 2010

Trijicon decides to castrate their beliefs. #shame #tcot #military #fail

Now I'm pissed.  Just read this updated article.  After decades of printing biblical inscriptions on their products, Trijicon says they will send kits for military personnel to remove inscriptions and will remove inscriptions from all current and future orders because they don't want to offend anyone.

Well what if, as a Christian, I'm now offended because they are taking it off?!  If I complain that I want it on there, will they add it back on?  Of course not, because once again Christians are brushed aside.

I am so sick and tired of having to pussyfoot around people for fear they might be offended. Well grow a spine, people.  We are all different and we can't all have it the way we want.  If Trijicon wants to print biblical inscriptions, then they should do it.  I think it is awful that they are kowtowing.

When will this insanity end?  This is just ridiculous.

Muslims offended by bible passages on Trijicon scopes #tcot #military #iaminfidel

What happened to freedom of speech for the majority?  Why is it that only minorities can say they are offended about something?  For way too long now, we have been pushed around by groups, religious and non, that only serve a few.  And now some Muslims are offended that Trijicon scopes have bible passages inscribed on them.

At Christmastime, CHRISTMAS TIME, the time we celebrate Christ, the reason for the season, we can't put out a Nativity for fear of offending 3 people in a neighborhood of 30 who don't want to look at it.  If I'm not putting it in your yard, then go about your own business!  People can be so self righteous, and yet I certainly don't see them offering to work Christmas day to keep banks, DMV's and other businesses open even though they don't want to acknowledge the day!  Such hypocrites!  I work with a Muslim who would not participate in any of the Christmas activities we set up at work, and that is fine.  I have no problem with that.  But I certainly didn't see him offering to work on Friday, Dec 25th.  He was quick to take the day off with the rest of the Christians.  And believe me, if he would have offered to work, the owner of the company would have let him in a heart beat!

It's as if people pick and choose what to believe in for that particular moment, which is determined by what fits them best at that time.  The hypocrisy is astounding.

And now some Muslims in the military are offended about the bible inscription on the scopes, but oddly enough, aren't offended by what the scopes are used for!  Talk about disjointed.  It's okay that they're using scopes to help them increase their kill count, but there sure better not be a passage from a different religion inscribed on it.  Oh no!  This is just so absurd.

Do not misconstrue my frustration as frustration with our military.  I love our military and stand behind them 100%.  My husband was a Marine and has purchased his own Trijicon for use with his AR.  I'm just a mother of 4 who is tired of the minority pushing us around and all of the hypocrisy that goes along with it.

Please go here to send Trijicon a message showing your support.

January 11, 2010

I got my phone back

That's right! What are the chances of getting an iPhone back! Well apparently after my lovely husband sent a text to the phone stating he reported it stolen and was going to track it down she thought twice. She started trying to call people in my contact list to say she had the phone and wanted to give it to me.

Her unlikely story was that she didn't want to give it to security at the museum because she didn't trust them. Uh huh.

Anyway, we met up with her tonight and she gave me my phone back. I don't really know for sure what her reasoning was, but all I know is I'm now not out $200 to replace the phone! Whew.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

January 10, 2010

Attn B1t@h who stole my iPhone at @DenverMuseumNS #thief #iphone #icurseyou

Is your life really that pathetic that you had to steal my iPhone?  Really?  10 minutes.  That's all it took.  My Annie was being a big girl, using the potty, and I forgot I set it down in all the commotion of trying to potty train her, showing her proper hygiene, washing her hands.  I ran back to the restroom, but you had already been there and stolen it.

While I am teaching my children to grow up with morals, care about other people, and have respect for property, you are out there teaching them a lesson, too.  Shame on you!!!!  What are you going to do with it?  Sell it for a few bucks on ebay?  Well save the money, because I'm sure that some day you'll need it for bail money, you loser!

And I'm putting a mother's curse on you!  That's right, I may not be your mother (and you're lucky I'm not because I would BEAT YOUR ASS for stealing) but I'm putting the curse on you!  You may have caused me a minor irritation of having to replace my phone, but one day you will look back on everything you've done in your life and you'll remember me and that day at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, and you will feel regret.  Yes, it is just a phone, but you will feel bad about your behavior and your lack of morals.  You will be ashamed of your actions, and rightly so.

So go sell the phone on ebay or look through all of my personal information, texts with my husband, whatever it is you feel the need to do because you are pathetic.  Go ahead.  Remember, what comes around goes around.

Oh, and if you do end up with a conscience and decide to do the right thing, drop it off at the Commerce City Police Department, where my husband IS A COP and is tracking the phone anyway!  ;)

January 9, 2010

Taking the kids out for the day

Today I am taking he kids out in public. We haven't really gone anywhere in a couple weekends. I told them my expectations for their behavior. We'll see how it goes.

I've been reading HAVE A NEW KID BY FRIDAY so it'll be interesting. Hopefully it won't end in a sea of tears (and I mean mine)!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

January 6, 2010

There's a frying pan in my bed

Yes, there is a frying pan in my bed.  I didn't put it there.  Annie put it there.  She carried it around with her for 2 hours after dinner.  Then she came up to my room and brought it in bed.  For me, this was a choose your battles moment.  She wasn't swinging it.  She just set her stuffed puppy baby in it.  I guess it made a better chair than the basket she was using yesterday.

I just carried her to her crib, but I didn't put the pan in there with her.  No doubt she'll wake up in the middle of the night crying for it.  She loves to cuddle with things.  It's just that usually they're soft and cuddly, not cold and hard.  Go figure.

All of my children are so unique and different.  But Aniella just beats to the tune of her own drummer.  She is by far the most free thinking.  She cracks me up.

January 4, 2010

For all the women who dare age!

I thought I would post this again now that the holidays are over. For all the women who dared to age and gain a few pounds, read Carrie Fishers response to all the hatred. It's priceless.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

January 2, 2010

I found another reason to never put my phone down

So I was checking out different ereaders and wow they are expensive! I just couldn't justify spending so much money. The books may be cheaper and i'm sure it's easier to carry an ereader around in my purse than another bag, but it's still a lot of money up front.

But while I was checking out the differences between them, I came across the barnes and noble ereader iPhone app! And it's FREE! I now have access to all the ebooks b&n offers and every book I purchase is stored on my online account. I can also now download their free app for my computer so I can continue to read on my computer if I want.

However! I love to go to book stores and I really love the new library built in my town. It has a large room for he kids to play and a huge fireplace to read in front of. I just hope I don't look to silly surrounded by beautiful books while I read on my iPhone!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

January 1, 2010

The Ride-Along was awesome!

Wow I'm so exhausted! Had an awesome night on my ride-along with Nick.  He found drugs on a traffic stop, had a guy at gunpoint, (I didn't like that part), we ran code to shots fired (he drove really really REALLY fast), arrested a guy with a warrant, detoxed a drunk guy, and kissed me at midnight. ;) And just in case you were wondering, there is NOTHING sexier than my husband in his uniform sneaking down the street with an Assault Rifle. Ha Ha! Happy New Year Everyone!