October 3, 2009

Ross McKitrick: Defects in key climate data are uncovered

Ross McKitrick is a respected environmental economist. Two days ago, on October 1st, McKitrick wrote THIS ARTICLE about the flawed data, known as the Hockey Stick graph, that has been used as the main source of information regarding global warming. The Hockey Stick graph was created by a US Climatologist, Michael Mann.

For many years, scientists who tried to replicate the study could not. None of them were able to replicate the Hockey Stick graph that depicted the spike in the rise of temperature.

It turns out that although a large sample of tree cores was taken, only about 12 of the cores were used. When you add the rest of the tree cores into the data, the graph does not look like a Hockey Stick at all. It is in line with the rest of the graph. No Hockey Stick. No spike in warming.

This is so important right now to know the truth. If we are misinformed, we will make decisions that will impact future generations and cost them trillions in unnecessary taxes. Please take time to read the article.

October 2, 2009

So Disappointed in People. Common Sense is Gone

Every day I am more and more disheartened. When Whoopi Goldberg says "It wasn't rape-rape", and Jimmy Carter says that animosity toward President Barack Obama is based on the fact that he is a black man, I start to feel more and more defeated. What is wrong with people these days. Why is it that if I disagree with Obama I must be a racist?? Why can't it be that I don't agree with his policies and the road he is trying to take our country down? What in the world is rape-rape, and why isn't it as bad as rape? What if it was your daughter when she was 13 years old? Would you be okay with it and say it wasn't so bad?

Come on people! Where has all of the common sense gone?

I promise to raise my children with common sense, instill in them a sense of right and wrong, common courtesy towards others, compassion and with a strong moral compass. Please join me!

October 1, 2009

Jon Gosselin is a Moron

So TLC drops him because he's an idiot, running around town with different women, ignoring his children and slamming his wife. So instead of thinking that maybe, just maybe, his behavior caused this and apologizing, he goes on a legal rampage trying to delay his divorce and stop the show that is putting food on his children's table. Does he seriously think people are so stupid to believe that he is doing this for their welfare? Since when does he care about their welfare, I guess after he finished screwing the babysitter in the house while the kids were asleep!

Not only that, but does he have another job lined up for him to make sure he can keep a roof over their heads and food on their table? Probably not! A responsible parent would not cut off their source of income until another one was available! Oh wait, he's got a new show in the works about Divorced Dads, that's right! Talk about a train wreck!

Maybe he can be a runway model for Ed Hardy! Last weekend I saw a really neat carseat cover and almost bought it until I saw it was Ed Hardy. Made me think of Jon Gosselin. I specifically didn't buy it because I didn't want to think of him every time I got in my car!

What a douche!

September 30, 2009

An Obviously Miserable Couple

On again, off again, I really don't care either way. But this picture of Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake SCREAMS miserableness! Can you say Publicity Shot? It looks like they decided to take a stressful walk just to show people they're together. Odd

September 28, 2009

Activists are Whining Again about their Messiah

Unbelievable. I am so annoyed right now. This stupid article showed up on MSNBC today. Apparently the left wing Socialist babies sucking Obama's tittays, ehem, Activists are complaining about a poster in a STRIP CLUB depicting Obama as the joker. Are you kidding me??

Apparently they don't remember this picture of Bush depicted as the aforementioned joker, printed in July of 2008. I don't remember the picture of Bush causing any whining, crying and sulking protests from Conservatives.

I am so sick and tired of the left complaining that their Messiah Obama is being targeted because we are racists. I'm not a racist. I'm a realist. I can see what he is doing to this country and I don't like it. I don't care if he is black, white, orange or purple. He is single handedly ruining the United States as it was designed to be.

And now, with everything going on, he's trying to get the Olympics, in of all places, CHICAGO, his the home of corruption. I wouldn't be surprised if he rehires all of the ACORN workers to pose as a Welcoming Committee for the Chicago Olympics!

September 27, 2009

Flippin Typical - NO HOT WATER!

Our water heater is on the fritz again. This time water is leaking everywhere, looks like from every place a pipe is connected! Darned thing is only 7 years old. I don't think that's a long life for a water heater. So tomorrow I get the joy of taking an ice cold shower. I am sooo not looking forward to that. I don't handle cold water very well.

Fortunately I got all the kids bathed, except for Ryan, before the hot water ran out. I really hope we aren't going to need a new water heater. That can't be cheap and I don't have the extra funds for a new one right now.

So I can already see tomorrow not starting off very well. Cold shower, going back to work after a mini vacation, yuck. I think tomorrow has BAD MOOD written all over it. If I'm smart, I'll get up a little early to make myself a nice cup of coffee instead of waiting until I get to work. I think I'm going to need it!

Clean House makes me clean my house

Every time I watch this show, I end up cleaning my house! My house looks nothing like these homes, thank goodness, but something about this show compels me to start cleaning! I've also started a cleaning calendar to keep me on track. Every Saturday I have a list of items to do. Some items are done every week, some monthly, some every six months and so on. It's based on a cleaning chart I found at RealSimple.com.

Anyhoo, I've watched a ton of design shows, but Mark Brunetz is my favorite designer. He makes every home look beautiful. He doesn't do any of that wacky, weird colored, outlandish designs that don't go with any other room in the house. He makes the entire house flow and look calm and relaxing. I really wish he would come do my house. I am really not good at designing at all!

But then again, every time I do something nice to the house, the boys are right there to break it! To date, they have broken a metal bunk bed (bent the frame), their closet doors, our bannister (it's loose, will have to have it fixed), a drawer in the refrigerator, clogged a toilet with a toy and broke all the screens in the house (Nick has since re-screened every window for me). Needless to say, they keep me on my toes!