April 22, 2010

Worst Mother of The Year

Overwhelmed. Sometimes I get overwhelmed, and then I just shut down. I'm sorry, but I cannot work full time and then do everything around the house. I have tried to get my children to help, but I haven't tried hard enough.  I get so tired of the back talk and arguing. Then, if (I mean when), the kids don't do what I ask and I keep on them, then I'm nagging.

So my options are:
1. stop nagging and do it myself
2. stop nagging and don't do it myself

Those seem like pretty bad options, to me.

I think if I actually ever saw a benefit from what I do around the house, it might be different. But when I finish one room and move to the next, the kids have destroyed the first room before I even finish cleaning the second room!

It's just so disheartening.  I may not be able to force the boys to have respect for their home, but I guess it's time I force them to participate in the upkeep of their home.  No yelling, no nagging.  Pick up, or there will be consequences.  Simple as that.

Time to get my dobber out of the dirt and just do it!

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