October 6, 2009

H1N1 hits my home

Got a call from the school that Nicholas has a fever.

Just this morning I was talking with my mom, saying that I didn't think I was going to get the H1N1 flu vaccine.  By 11am, though, I was on my way to pick up Nicholas from school.  He has a fever... and supposedly was exposed to H1N1 from someone in his class.

I had researched the vaccine and found some interesting information.  Apparently when the government asks big pharma to quickly produce a vaccine, big pharma requests immunity from lawsuits because they claim they haven't had time to properly test the vaccine.  Back in 1970's, the government asked big pharma to quickly make the vaccine and it turns out that the vaccine can cause Guillian-Barre Syndrome.

It turns out that they've requested immunity again, and have been given it.  What concerns me is that by asking for immunity, big pharma is basically saying, look, we've made the vaccine, but you haven't allowed us time to test it to make sure that it is okay!  And supposedly, there is a leaked vaccine insert that says the new vaccine can STILL cause it.

But now I'm at home with Nicholas who is resting in bed, and I'm not so sure of my decision.  The vaccine isn't available yet, so it's not like I could have given it to my children, but now I am second guessing what would have been my decision, to not vaccinate my children.

I guess as a mom you always second guess yourself, though.  So for now, I will try to keep the other 3 kids away from him.  I've already bleached everything.  Hopefully we can get through this pretty quickly!

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